Monday, November 3, 2008

shimar assigment

MY assigment


this is skyler&shimar's podcast

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday's Assignment

What is a hyperlink?in the navigation structure, is called as a semantic link if the connected two pages have explicit semantic relationship

How do you insert a hyperlink into a blog post?To insert a Hyperlink go to Insert menu and click Create Hyperlink command

What is delicious is a web site were you post things

What is the purpose of a delicious account, in your own words? delicious help you when lost things

shimar voki

Get a Voki now!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I hate cyber-bullying because it scare a lot people and kids .cyber-bullying are people that bully lil kid on online. if you get cyber-bully you should tell A teacher or the cop. sometime teacher cyber-bully.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

shimar 1st entry!!!!

Hi my name is shimar i like rap,love love jessica alba,lil wayne,my bast friend is skyler phillips,i like pie,my b-day is july 2,1995,i have 6 sister and 1 nephew,i love energy drinks, like rock star, monster, amp,